Winter Aconite
Taxonomic Name: Eranthis hyemalis
Common Name: Winter Aconite
Type: Bulb
Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Bloom Time: March to April
Height: 3-6 inches
Light Requirements: Full sun, Morning shade with afternoon sun, Morning sun with afternoon shade
Soil Conditions: Average well-drained soil
Flower Color: Yellow
Special Characteristics: - One of the earliest bulbs to bloom in the spring
- Needs consistent moisture even though plants go dormant by late spring
- Plant tubers in groups in late summer to early fall
- May self-seed and naturalize over time but is easy to control
- Propagate by dividing clumps after it flowers
- Tuber is poisonous
- Black Walnut tolerant
- Deer tolerant