Hick's Anglosap Yew
Taxonomic Name: Taxus cv. Hicksii
Common Name: Hick's Anglosap Yew
Type: Needled Evergreen
Zone: 4, 5, 6, 7
Height: 114
Light Requirements: Full sun, Morning shade with afternoon sun, Morning sun with afternoon shade, Closed shade
Soil Conditions: Requires good drainage, Tolerates periodic drought, Average well-drained soil
Special Characteristics: - Narrow hedge plant
- This hybrid is typically a cross of English yew and Japanese yew
- Height can get up to 20 feel tall at maturity
- Good use for a hedge
- Responds well to pruning and shearing in early spring before new growth appears
- Plants are dioecious (separate male and female plants)
- All parts of this plant are poisonous
- Rabbit tolerant