ACG Plant Finder Tool

Silver Sedge

Plant Information

Taxonomic Name: Carex platyphylla
Common Name: Silver Sedge
Bloom Time: June to June
Height: 8-12 inches
Light Requirements: Filtered shade, Closed shade
Soil Conditions: Tolerates periodic drought, Average well-drained soil, Tolerates periodic moisture
Flower Color: White
Special Characteristics:
  • Great for mass plantings and along woodland pathways

Silver Sedge

Plant Information

Taxonomic Name: Carex platyphylla
Common Name: Silver Sedge
Garden: Shade Garden
Zone: 5, 6, 7, 8
Bloom Time: June to June
Height: 8-12 inches
Light Requirements: Filtered shade, Closed shade
Soil Conditions: Tolerates periodic drought, Average well-drained soil, Tolerates periodic moisture
Flower Color: White
Special Characteristics:
  • Great for mass plantings and along woodland pathways